What Is the Best Time to Post on TikTok for More Followers? A Guide

Becoming an influencer on any platform takes time, effort, and patience. Surprisingly enough, TikTok may just be the platform that is best for anyone who wants to become a mega-influencer, which is someone who has over 1 million followers. 

What makes us come to that conclusion? Of TikTok’s users who have influencer status, an unheard of 36% of them are at the mega-influencer tier.

So, how can you get there? A lot of it comes down to finding the right time to post on TikTok.

Not sure what we mean or how this will work? Keep reading to learn more about why it matters when you post on social media, when to post on TikTok, and more.

Why Does Posting Time Matter?

It’s tempting to post a new TikTok video the second you finish filming and editing. Why should you resist this urge?

Thinking critically about what times you post on TikTok and other social media platforms is one way to work toward improved engagement. The idea is that you want to post when your followers and other users are most active so that your hard work doesn’t get lost in the sauce.

Let’s break it down a little bit further. TikTok, like other social media platforms, operates on an algorithm. The better your video is doing, the more likely TikTok is to “push” your content by showing it to people who don’t actually follow you. In other words, you need to generate engagement to increase engagement, and posting at an active time is one of the best ways to do it.

What Is the Best Time to Post on TikTok?

So, what is the best time to post on TikTok? This is where things get a little bit complicated.

To become a mega-influencer, you’re going to want to take advantage of TikTok’s extremely global user base. That means that you’re going to need to post at times that don’t cater exclusively to your American or European audience. (Don’t worry, they’re still going to see your videos even if you’re posting before they’re up or after they’re in bed.)

Different days have different ideal posting times, so let’s break it down by day using EST as our reference point:

  • Sunday: 7 am and 8 pm
  • Monday: 6 am and 10 pm
  • Tuesday: 4 am and 9 am
  • Wednesday: 7 am and 11 pm
  • Thursday: 12 pm and 7 pm
  • Friday: 5 am and 3 pm
  • Saturday: 11 am and 8 pm

As you can see, these times don’t work well for everyone. Can you schedule your TikTok posts like you can on platforms like Tumblr or Instagram?

Unfortunately, TikTok does not offer a built-in scheduling option. However, you can use third-party apps or websites to schedule your TikTok content for you. This is probably a good idea if you don’t want to be up at all hours of the day sharing your videos.

Other Ways to Boost Your Following on Tiktok

Posting at the right time isn’t the only way to increase TikTok followers. There are other ways that you can boost your engagement to get your content in front of more people who will hopefully hit that Follow button. Let’s take a look.

Participate in Trends

More than any other platform, TikTok is known for trends. In fact, if you’ve seen people dancing on Instagram, it’s probably a dance that came from TikTok.

Participating in trends is an easy way to boost engagement because people are already looking for that kind of content. Make sure that you’re using the right hashtags and completing trending content quickly, rather than after the trend has already fizzled out.

Partner Up With Other Successful TikTok Users

Do you have any friends that are already swimming in followers on TikTok? Ask them if you can partner up on a few videos that spotlight your own unique talents, humor, or traits.

The app is all about making connections and people do love to see a crossover. If you’re spotted on a well-known TikTok user’s page, their followers are likely to migrate over to your page and give you a follow, too.

Pay Attention to Engagement Rates

Don’t throw your posts into the wind and neglect to look at where they land. You can and should track your engagement rates, even if you have to do it the old-fashioned way. (You can get a closer look at all of your analytics with a Pro Account, but the good news is that it’s free to set one up.)

To do a quick scan of your engagement rate on a specific post, follow a simple formula: comments + likes / followers. This will give you a percentage that represents your engagement rate. If your engagement rate is higher for certain kinds of content, let that be a lesson and start making more videos that follow a similar format.

Respond to Your Followers

As we mentioned already, people love TikTok because it allows them to connect with people all over the world. When potential followers see that you engage readily with your audience, they’re more likely to join in the fun.

Respond to comments on your videos and use the Q&A feature to address your followers’ most pressing questions. You don’t need to engage with every single comment or question you receive, but spending a little time each day working on your TikTok correspondence will help.

Reach Mega-Influencer Status on TikTok in No Time With This Guide

Becoming a mega-influencer on TikTok just might be an attainable goal. However, you’re going to have to master the platform, first, and that includes knowing what time to post on TikTok to get the most engagement. Use this guide to gain followers and increase engagement with ease.

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